Have trouble getting consistent leads and sales? Our PPC strategy takes advantage of Google Ads, the world's largest and most powerful advertising platform.
It takes a multifaceted approach to run paid traffic successfully. You need to know your numbers to drive paid traffic, but you also need to know your strategy, creativity, and ad platform.
In order to maximize ROI for your campaigns, we utilize an innovative process.
PPC Is Data-Driven
You will never get better data about performance than through this advertising method, regardless of whether it's good or bad. The reason people shy away from pay-per-click campaigns is often that they feel overwhelmed or turned off by the process. A lot of data is available about every aspect of the process.
The data we have in business is rarely enough to make insightful decisions, but PPC can provide you with precise information about:
Click-Through Rates
Keyword Performance
Impressions, Conversions, & More
Adwords Campaigns provide a lot of information, but people often feel overwhelmed by all the data they can gather. Finding useful and meaningful numbers can be challenging. You can benefit from the expertise of an Adwords specialist in these situations.
Full Lead gen Campaigns
Get high quality leads & form fills done for you each month
Call Only Campaigns
Get customers calling you constantly with just a click of a button
Retargeting Campaigns
Follow and retarget your website visitors around the web
Google Shopping Campaigns
Get your products viewed to grow sales and revenues
Campaign Design & Pre-optimization
By expertly designing your campaigns and optimizing them before they launch, we get you out in front of the competition. You will save money right out of the gate with this smart strategy.
Search Term Optimization
During our second optimization phase, we continue to refine campaigns to ensure we are only advertising to qualified traffic.
Traffic Sculpting
As we gather more data, we break up adgroups and target prospects based on laser targets. In addition to increasing click-through rates, this also results in lower CPCs (costs per click).
Performance Optimization
After we get enough clicks and time, we can tell what keywords prove out and what to cut. We optimize campaign performance.
We continue to test new combinations as we find more winning combinations. Your ads always get better because we keep rotating ad copy until the new contender surpasses the winner. This allows you to scale your campaigns at the highest ROI.
Our all-in-one SEO report checks your complete website, by crawling all linked pages. All found pages with errors, issues with the on-page optimization, and problems regarding the page content like duplicate content are collected. Along with current keyword rankings, directory listings, and social media presence are displayed in each check section. Done for you in SECONDS!
Does Your Website Pass The SEO Test?
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